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Mental Health in the


Mental Health in the Workplace

According to a report from the charity Mind, it’s believed that one in four of us will experience mental health problems to varying degrees, every year. Statistics from the same report also revealed that one in six people in England will report issues with either depression or anxiety every week.

The report listed job security and money as the highest factors that cause people to have poor mental health, however, there were multiple factors listed – ranging from workplace performance, poor interpersonal relationships with colleagues, and work/life balance.
What can we do to ensure that our colleagues feel supported during mental health challenges they may experience?


Awareness of mental health in the workplace

MHFA England estimates that 50% of employees have experienced at least one of the symptoms of burnout due to either increased job demands and expectations, little to no social interaction, or a blurring of the boundaries between work and home life. 46% of workers have admitted they’ve pushed themselves to work in recent months when they haven’t felt mentally or physically well enough to do so.

Sadly, this comes at a cost. Mental ill health costs UK employers approximately £56 billion each year – with the total annual cost of mental ill health to employers increasing by 25% since 2019. This raises conversation around measures employers can take to create an atmosphere in their workplace that actively encourages practices that promote good mental health, and proactively tackles any issues that foster poor mental health.


Supporting well-being in the workplace

The workplace can be a complex landscape – therefore many factors come into play when it comes to building a strategy for supporting well-being. A great place to start is by assessing the current issues experienced in your workplace with your team – that way you can gain a clear picture of what the issues are and how to resolve them. Everyone responds to workplace challenges differently; so, gaining feedback and buy-in to future plans and initiatives is essential in building a consistently harmonious workplace.

The most obvious, yet often overlooked factors that have a great bearing on workplace happiness are related to overall workloads, deadlines, and lack of team cohesion.
Organising the resolution of these issues can seem like a mammoth task, even for the most seasoned HR professionals and business leaders. Hosting an Away Day where you create space for your team to give honest feedback on issues, as well as spending time together outside of the pressures of the usual working day can prove valuable. Many of our clients also choose to invite external specialists in workplace cohesion and DE&I to their away days.

As the saying goes ….a change is as good as a rest, and oftentimes a change of scenery is what your team needs to open up fresh perspectives and create greater transparency.
If you’re looking for a venue to host your away days; where your team can take a break from the usual, look no further than Church House, Westminster. Our clients love our vast array of spaces; including outdoor space that can cater to teams of varying sizes, full catering is also available; as well as audio-visual support for all your snazzy presentations!

Here at Church House, we are fortunate enough to work with several individuals who; as well as being experienced events professionals; have a passion for mental health advocacy.
We have several mental health first aiders in our team who are trained to help spot, manage and support individuals who may be experiencing mental health difficulties. One of these mental health first aiders is Sue White, Head of Client Relations for Church House, Sue had the following to say surrounding the issue of mental health in the workplace.


“There has been a greater awareness and understanding of mental health, and the factors that can negatively impact an individual’s mental health in recent years. I’m glad that the topic is becoming less of a taboo; as we strive to create an atmosphere in society, and the workplace where individuals can be supported and acknowledged for their whole selves; including any short- or long-term mental health issues they may be experiencing. I have also been able to pass on some knowledge from my training to other team members, which helps them to remain aware and sensitive to the needs of others – this goes a long way in creating an inclusive workplace.”


Key resources


If you’d like to find out more about mental health in the workplace, we’ve put together a pool of resources that can get you off to a flying start in creating positive change in your workplace.

If you need help in hosting and planning your next team away or training day let our experienced team know. Our great transport links and idyllic setting make us a popular choice of venue for team bonding, view our gallery, and get in touch with us at or call us on 020 7390 1590.


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